1 min read · tagged remark, linked files, local links
Photo by
Denys Nevozhai via
gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files copies files linked to from Markdown to
your public
Let’s try with a PDF, that you should be able to preview and/or download by clicking this link: Creative Commons Informational Flyer.pdf
gatsby-plugin-catch-links intercepts local links from Markdown and other
non-react pages and does a client-side pushState
to avoid the browser having
to refresh the page.
Let’s try linking to the ”Code and Syntax Highlighting with PrismJS” article using a relative path.
Also, let’s link to ”Rendering math equations with KaTeX” article using an absolute path.
And this link will be excluded.
Daisy Buchanan is an attractive, if shallow and self-absorbed, young woman.